Honey and nut sour cream roll cookies
6 servings1 hour
Wheat flour - 300 gr, Sour cream - 50 gr, Eggs - 1 pc., Butter - 50 gr, Sugar - 100 gr, Food soda - 1 gr, Vanillin - 1 gr, Walnuts - 250 gr, Honey - 3 tbsp.

Combine the sour cream with the sugar to make the dough. Stir to dissolve the sugar.

Stir in one egg, soda and vanillin.

Stir melted butter and sifted flour into the dough. Knead the dough so it doesn't stick to your hands. If necessary, add a little more flour.

For filling, take walnuts and grind them in a way that suits you. You can grind with a shredder, or you can, like mine, with a sharp knife.

Add some runny honey to the crushed nuts.

Mix everything well. There is no need to add excess honey. It is only enough that all the nuts come together at the expense of the stickiness of honey. Otherwise, when baking, it will flow out.

Cookies of various shapes can be formed from the finished dough. You can roll into a layer, lay out the filling, roll into a roll and cut into cookies. You can cut out circles or squares with a little filling in the center, pinch the edges from above. Or you can, like, roll in my circle, cut into segments and put a little filling on each of them.

Then twist into rolls and place on a baking tray. Place the cookies in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Cool the finished cookies and treat. Have a nice tea party!