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German christmas cookies

German christmas cookies... 10 servings
1 day

Place the egg whites in the bowl of the mixer and beat them at medium speed, gradually increasing it to maximum until the proteins become a dense glossy mass. Add half a portion of sugar to a bowl of whipped proteins and continue to beat with a mixer, gradually increasing the speed. Then gradually pour in the remaining sugar in small portions and whisk again with a mixer at high speed until all the sugar has been poured in. The mass should be thick, white with a glossy surface and hold its shape firmly. Put half of the protein mass aside - it will be needed later to decorate the cookies. Add almond flour preliminarily sifted through a fine sieve from various foreign impurities and ground cinnamon to the remaining protein mass. Beat the resulting mixture again with a mixer at medium RPM until smooth. It will be a dough for Christmas cookies. Place the dough container in the refrigerator for about an hour to cool it completely. After the dough has stood in the refrigerator, roll it with a rolling pin into a thin layer about 1 cm thick. To prevent the dough from sticking, the work surface can be sprinkled with fine sugar. Using a special cookie stencil, cut the stars out of the dough. In the process of cutting out the cookies, the dough can stick to the stencil, in which case it must be washed well and then dried. And only then cut cookies out of the dough again. Then cover each cookie on top with a thin layer of the remaining protein mass. Place the star cookies on a baking sheet lined with parchment and leave for a day to dry. After the specified time, you can start baking cookies. To do this, heat the oven to 160 degrees Celsius. And bake cookies for 10-15 minutes until fully ready. Cookie tops should remain white. Ready-made German Christmas cookies are usually served for the holiday on a platter or in small bags as a gift. Have a pleasant appetite and a Merry Christmas!

Egg whites - 4 pcs., Sugar - 390 g, Almond flour - 400 g, Ground cinnamon - 10 g