French pasta cookies
6 servings20 hourMy macarons turned out so beautiful from the third time. And this is normal, because such a recipe requires a certain skill. Do not despair and you, learn from your mistakes, try, experiment and you will definitely succeed!
Almond flour - 83 g, Powdered sugar - 83 g, Egg whites - 58 g, Sugar - 58 g, Food dye - 2 g, White chocolate - 200 g, Fatty cream - 100 g, Butter - 30 g

How do I make French pasta cookies? Prepare the products. If you cook cookies for the first time, then do not increase the portion, this amount will be enough for training. You can make icing sugar yourself, in a grinder. The weight of proteins is approximately equal to proteins from 2 eggs of category S1. Proteins should be warm, get them out of the refrigerator in advance.

First of all, sift powdered sugar and almond flour into a bowl. In this recipe, this is not necessary for oxygen saturation, but for getting rid of lumps. Mix the flour well with the powder, some culinary experts advise sifting the mixture again.

Cookies for this recipe are made on French meringue - for her, proteins beat with sugar without additional action. Pour the squirrels into another bowl. Start whisking them with a mixer. When the foam appears, start pouring sugar to them. Beat the whites at high speed until smooth, shiny. The peaks should be elastic, slightly softer than strong.

If desired, add food dye to the whipped meringue. Then mix the mass first with a mixer, and then with a blade until smooth. Put the protein mass to the flour with the powder. Start kneading it with a silicone spatula. Now the most crucial moment begins. The success of the dish will depend on how you knead the macronage (pasta dough).

At first, the mass will be cool and lumpy. Then it will gradually begin to become softer. Focus on how it falls off the shoulder blade. If it falls off in pieces - not ready yet. The correct dough should drain from the blade with a wide ribbon. Again, it is important not to overdo it with kneading. Too much batter will spread and the lids will not rise. I hung the yellow caps a little longer, they rose worse than the Reds. That understanding will come with experience.

The next important stage is planting pasta. Best of all, they bake on a special Teflon mat. Do not take silicone, the same applies to paper without a coating - the covers will not rise or come out crooked (tested on yourself). Deposit the confectionery bag caps with a round 9-10mm nozzle. For even halves, it is better to make a stencil on the mat. Leave a distance between them, and shift the rows in a checkerboard order - so they are better baked.

Pat the tray on the table so that air comes out of the covers, pierce the formed bubbles with a toothpick. Leave the blanks to stand on the table for an hour. They should dry on top - then when baking, you get the famous skirt. Check it with your finger - it won't stick. Bake the pasta in the oven at t 140 ° C for about 15 minutes. Also check your readiness with your finger - the lid should become dry and not wear around the skirt.

Remove the tray from the oven and immediately remove the mat from it. But take your time to shoot the halves themselves, they can break. Remove them only after cooling down completely. Fold the finished caps into a container with a lid and put them in the refrigerator.

Prepare the filling. I made ganache on white chocolate. Prepare the products. Take the highest quality chocolate, I have Belgian. Cream is suitable only fatty and natural, 33%.

Heat the cream in a saucepan almost to a boil. Pour chocolate into them. From the high temperature, it will begin to melt quickly. Actively mix the mass with a spatula until uniform.

Put the oil in the mass and stir it in as well.

Ganash will be homogeneous and liquid.

Transfer it to a pastry bag and put it in the fridge for 8 hours. After the cold, it will become very thick and plastic.

Remove the lid and ganache from the refrigerator. Cut the tip from the bag, squeeze the filling onto one of the halves.

Cover it with the other half. Press gently. Start all cookies in this way. I strongly advise you to remove ready-made pasta cookies for soaking in the refrigerator for another 8 hours - it will be much tastier and more delicate. Although you can eat it right away.

Enjoy your meal!
Be sure to wash your eggs before use, as even the seemingly clean shell may contain harmful bacteria. It is best to use food detergents and a brush.
How to beat eggs correctly? How to beat protein? How to beat the yolk? Why it is important to carefully separate proteins from yolks and how the choice of dishes affects whipping, read this article.
Keep in mind that everyone has different ovens. The temperature and cooking time may differ from those indicated in the recipe. To make any baked dish successful, use useful information about the features of the ovens!