Cheese easter custard
10 servings12 hours
Cottage cheese - 1 kg, Eggs - 5 pcs., Sour cream - 400 g, Sugar - 200 g, Raisins - 100 g


Wipe the curd through a sieve.

Rub the eggs with sugar. Pour into cottage cheese.

Add sour cream. Mix and put on a low heat, better on the splitter. Heat, stir from time to time.

Add washed and dried raisins.

Bring to the moment when the mass warms up well and begins to bubble. Remove from the slab, cool.

Prepare the form: line the gauze in 2 layers, insert the form into the container so that the serum flows and lay out the curd mass. Close the gauze, put the yoke and leave for the night to form.

Decorate the cheese Easter and keep in the cold until Bright Christ Sunday!