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Hand cake in the bakery. bread cake dough

Hand cake in the bakery. bread cake dough... 8 servings
2 hours 30 min

How to bake a cake in a bakery? At the very beginning, drive the eggs into the bowl and start beating them with a whisk or mixer. Gradually add the sugar and vanilla sugar, continuing to whisk. Pour well-beaten eggs into the bakery container itself. Add milk at room temperature, soft butter and salt there. Next, sift the prepared amount of flour and add it to the same bakery container. Last of all, pour yeast on the flour. Note that nothing needs to be mixed on your own, because the bakery will do it for you. By adding all the ingredients to the container, include the "Sweet cake" or "Sweet bread" program (the name of the programs depends on the model of your bakery). The weight is 500 grams, the color of the crust is medium. Read the instructions for your bread maker! While the dough is kneading and rising, take up raisins. Pour the raisins into a separate plate and pour boiling water over it and let it rest for 5 minutes. To distribute the raisins more evenly in the dough, dry it from the water and dip in the flour. When the dough begins to rise, the bakery will give a signal. This will mean that the prepared raisins can be added to the test. After a certain time, the oven will signal the completion of the process. Remove the golden cake from the container and allow time to cool. Easter cake can be decorated with glaze, powder and other sweet accessories.

Wheat flour - 270 gr, Eggs - 2 pcs., Butter - 100 gr, Milk - 60 ml, Sugar - 3.5 tbsp., Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp., Salt - 1 tsp., Raisins - 80 gr., Dry yeast - 1.5 tsp.

Be prepared for the fact that flour may be needed more or less than indicated in the recipe. Focus not on the amount of flour, but on the desired consistency of the dough. To avoid mistakes, read about flour and its properties!

Dry yeast can be replaced with fresh pressed yeast based on a 1: 3 ratio. That is, for 1 gram of dry yeast required by the recipe, you need to take 3 grams of fresh. Bright holidays and delicious cake!