Soft light custard easter cake that doesn't crumble
12 servings4 hours
Wheat flour - 250 gr, Milk - 130 ml, Yeast - 3 g, Eggs - 2 pcs., Butter - 60 g, Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp, Sugar - 80 gr, Salt - 0.25 tsp, Vanillin - 1 gr, Raisins - 80 gr, Candied fruit mixture - 40 gr, Powdered sugar - 100 gr, Gelatin - 1 tsp, Water - 4 tbsp, Milk - 10 ml, Eggs - 1 pc., Butter - 30 g

Prepare products.

Milk can be taken ready-made languished, or you can cook it yourself: Take a glass of 250 ml of milk, bring to a boil, lower the temperature and leave to boil for 10 minutes. Pour into a thermos and leave to steam for 30 minutes . /The stewed milk has a richer taste and aroma/. - Measure the amount of milk according to the recipe: 130 ml, let it cool, it should be warm.

1. 5ch. l. or 3gr/to as convenient/dry yeast mix with 1 tsp. sugar, pour in 40 ml of warm milk or a third part, stir and leave for 10-15 minutes so that the yeast comes to life.

Combine the remaining milk and half (30 grams) of butter in a bucket, bring to a boil. Pour 1 tbsp into the dough kneading bowl. sieve all the flour beforehand and pour in the boiling milk and butter, stir quickly and well with a whisk until homogeneous, allow the mass to cool to room temperature.

Now combine with the revived yeast mixture, mix well, cover with film and leave for fermentation for 30 - 40 minutes in a warm place . /I have, as always in the oven, the temperature is not higher than 35 degrees !/

In the meantime, prepare other ingredients: - Melt the butter and leave it cooled. - Separate the yolks from the proteins . /2 yolks and 1 protein will be used in the dough/. - Add a pinch of salt and 1/2 sugar, vanillin to 2 yolks. Grind well with a whisk until the mass is light and creamy . /If the eggs are rustic, with a bright yellow yolk, then the dough will turn out to be a pleasant yellow color. This time I had the usual city/.

Beat 1 squirrel with a mixer, gradually pouring sugar, beat until stable peaks.

When the opara comes up, add a yolk mass to it, mix well. Stir up whipped proteins. Gradually add sifted flour and knead the dough . /The protein changes its structure and integrates better into the dough. Here it strengthens the dough, it is not the same as in a biscuit, so knead - do not be afraid/.

At the end, when the flour absorbs all the liquid, pour in the cooled butter. It's good to knead the dough with your hand, 15 - 20 minutes . /If the dough seems cool, top up the milk, if it's liquid, pour in the flour/. To facilitate kneading, dip your fingers into the vegetable oil and so use 1 tbsp.

The finished dough will be soft, tender and will not stick to the hands and bowl. Grease a clean bowl with vegetable oil, round the dough and place in a bowl. Cover with film and leave in heat for fermentation for 1 hour.

Pour the raisins with boiling water for 10 minutes, rinse, remove the tails and dry with a towel. Add candied fruits, flour, mix and sift to remove excess.

When the dough is right, it is easy to wash it and mix raisins with candied fruits. It's good to knead, about 5 minutes, on the table.

Round it up, return it to the bowl, cover it with a film or napkin and let it rise again in warmth.

After 40 minutes, it will double like this.

Do not smash, divide the dough into 2 parts. In a smaller form about 200gr, the rest in a larger one.

Grease the forms with butter, sprinkle a little with flour. Round the dough and place it in the mold very carefully, without shaving. Press lightly to spread the dough evenly across the bottom. The dough should take 1/3 of the form, you can take a little more. Cover the shapes with a film and leave to warm for 1 hour.

I used two shapes, size d 12, h 11cm, and d 10, h 8cm. This is how the dough rose. Mix the egg with 1 tsp before baking. milk and grease the top of the cakes. Immediately put the cakes in the preheated oven to 100 degrees, after 10 minutes increase the temperature to 180 degrees and bake until tender. Check with a thin skewer, it should come out dry. My little cake was ready in 30 minutes, big in 40. Cool the cake on my side.

Prepare the glaze on gelatin: - Dilute the gelatin with water, stir and leave to swell. - Add the water to the icing sugar and stir until homogeneous, put on the stove and bring to boiling. - Remove from the stove and pour into the gelatin, stir until completely dissolved. - Immediately beat the mixture with a mixer/about 5 minutes/. The mass will become white, airy and increase in volume.

The glaze takes hold very quickly! Therefore, cakes immediately cover and decorate the top at your request. Only completely cooled cakes should be covered with glaze.

Have a bright Easter!