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Little easter cakes for easter

Little easter cakes for easter... 12 servings
2 hours

Milk - 200 ml, Dry yeast - 10 grams, Salt - 0.25 tea liters, Butter - 50 grams, Sugar - 1 pack, Raisins - 80 grams, Chicken eggs - 1 piece, Wheat flour - 500 grams
Prepare all the necessary ingredients according to... Prepare all the necessary ingredients according to the list. In order for the cake dough to be successful milk, butter and eggs must be at room temperature. Remove them in advance (in 1-1. 5 hours) from the fridge. Take the flour of the highest grade, egg S1 or S0.
Fill the raisins with hot water and rinse to wash ... Fill the raisins with hot water and rinse to wash off the fat that the dried fruits are covered with to give them a commercial appearance. Do not use boiling water, as the punchlines can boil. Dry it with a paper towel or cloth wipe.
Cut the oil into small pieces and melt it. This ca... Cut the oil into small pieces and melt it. This can be done in the microwave or over a low heat in a saucepan. Set to cool for a few minutes.
Before using yeast, read the instructions for them... Before using yeast, read the instructions for them. There are different types of yeast - some need to be activated by dissolving previously in warm water or milk, and some can be added immediately to flour. We will be suitable for those that need to be activated. Add sugar and yeast to the warm milk (37-40 ° C). Stir and leave for 10 minutes. If a magnificent cap appeared on the surface, then the yeast has become active and you can continue to cook.
Whisk the egg with the salt. Until foam is formed,... Whisk the egg with the salt. Until foam is formed, you do not need to beat.
Mix all the liquid ingredients now. The oil should... Mix all the liquid ingredients now. The oil should cool to the temperature of yeast diluted in milk. If it is too hot, yeast will die, the dough will not rise and the taste of the finished cakes will deteriorate. Proceed to kneading the dough.
Take a deep bowl in which it will be convenient to... Take a deep bowl in which it will be convenient to mix dry and liquid ingredients. Sift through the flour to weed out the fine debris and the dough is full of oxygen. Pour half the flour into a bowl. Make a depression in the middle of the flour and pour out the liquid component of the dough. Add the rest of the flour in small portions to get the dough of the right consistency. When it's hard to spoon, start doing it with your hands. The dough should become soft, but not stick to the hands.
Turn on to heat the oven 190 degrees. Add a teaspo... Turn on to heat the oven 190 degrees. Add a teaspoon of flour to the raisins, stir. This will help the punchlines spread evenly across the test. Adding a few raisins to the dough, keep kneading until the raisins are evenly distributed.
Cover a bowl of dough with a towel or napkin and s... Cover a bowl of dough with a towel or napkin and send you up to a calm, warm place for 40-50 minutes. When the dough increases in volume, wash it with your hands. And start forming cakes.
Take any little cutters. Shapes for muffins and mu... Take any little cutters. Shapes for muffins and muffins - paper, metal, silicone - are great. Grease the metal with oil. Put the dough in the moulds, filling them 3/4 of the height. From the given amount of ingredients, I got 14 small cakes. Leave the cakes in the form for 10 minutes.