Easter cake without raisins and yeast
16 servings1 hour
Condensed milk - 760 grams, Wheat flour - 3 pack., Eggs - 4 pcs., Baking powder - 2 teaspoons., Vanillin - to taste, Ginger - to taste, Egg whites - 2 pcs., Powdered sugar - 1 pack., Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.


So, beat the eggs,

then put condensed milk (not boiled) in them, mix well.

Add flour mixed with baking powder.

Add ginger. Kneading dough

and put in greased molds, filling half, as the dough will rise about twice. Oven at 200 degrees for 30-40 min.

We decorate with glaze. To do this, beat cold proteins at low speed, then at high speed.

When proteins rise to peaks,

we gradually inject powder and lemon juice.

We decorate the cakes.

The cakes are ready. We leave for the night so that the glaze freezes.

Happy Easter!