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Kvass home

Homemade kvass is always a pleasant taste and refreshing effect, as well as a lot of useful properties. If rye bread was used to infuse kvass, then it will help clean the vessels, restore vision, and normalize liver function.And if it was cooked on cabbage leaves, then your body will be saturated with a lot of trace elements and vitamin U, which has an anti-ulcer effect. The beet-infused drink will help clean the vessels, normalize blood pressure and improve bowel function. As a rule, hostesses know the recipes for kvass for drinking or cold soups. To get an unusual exotic taste, you can add mint leaves, herbs, vanilla, all kinds of fruits, berries, citrus fruits, honey. To prepare it at home, yeast is used for starter, which is able to produce alcohols. Therefore, you should not give it to children and limit the use of vehicles if necessary. For those who monitor the calorie content of the diet, it is worth knowing that kvass is a high-calorie drink. Drinking more than 3 glasses a day can affect the figure. After cooking the first portion, a ready-made starter is subsequently used, which will make the drink tastier every time.