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Duck stuffed with rice, chicken and nuts

Duck stuffed with rice, chicken and nuts... 8 servings
3 hours

Soak rice in cold salted water. We wash the duck, cut off the wings. Pierce the duck from all sides with a fork. Put wings, previously peeled whole onion and carrots, bay leaf, pepper peas, fresh greens in a thick-walled saucepan. Pour all the ingredients with water, put salt and pepper and, bringing to a boil, cook for about another 30 minutes. After the specified time, remove the carcass from the broth, put it on the dish so that we don't need extra glass water (we don't need the broth - it can be used for other purposes). We pour cherries and dried apricots with a little warm water, peel pistachios and chop with a sharp knife. We brew saffron, the bay is 50 ml of cool boiling water. We also boil 4 liters of water, boil rice in it (with the addition of salt) until half-cooked (about 8 minutes). Drain the water, add saffron infusion, chopped pistachios, dried fruits (before draining water from them), as well as spices, lemon zest, salt, pepper to taste and mint leaves (leave a little twigs to decorate the finished dish), having previously chopped them with a knife. Mix everything thoroughly. Put the duck in a baking dish, stuff with rice. If all the rice does not go inside, it can be spread around the carcass itself, only during baking in this case you need to cover it with foil. Bake the duck in the oven, preheated to 240 degrees, for 60 minutes. Then, covering the carcass with foil, leave in the oven for another 10 minutes. Serve the duck on a large platter, garnishing with mint leaves. Enjoy your meal!

Duck - 2 kg, Rice - 250 g, Dried cherry - 50 gr, Kuraga - 80 gr, Pistachio - 100 gr, Saffron - to taste, Cardamom - to taste, Ground cinnamon - to taste, Mint - 15 gr, Lemon zest - 25 gr, Salt - to taste, Pepper - to taste, Carrots - 140 gr, Onions - 80 gr, Bay leaf - 1 pc., Peppercorns - 2 pcs., Greens - to taste