How to bake a pork neck in foil in the oven? Very simple! First, prepare the necessary ingredients according to the list. Vegetable oil will suit any. I have sunflower. Fresh garlic cloves can be replaced with 1 tbsp. l dry garlic. Instead of a neck, you can make any other part of the carcass with this recipe in one piece, for example, ham or carbonade.
Rinse the pork neck thoroughly and dry with paper towels.
Now make the marinade. In a bowl, combine soy sauce, vegetable oil, garlic cloves passed through the press, paprika, chilli, black ground pepper. Whisk everything together with a fork until smooth. Optionally, you can supplement or replace spices to your liking.
Cover the pork neck with marinade and put to marinate in the fridge overnight. Turn the neck periodically so that it is evenly parinated on all sides.
Remove the meat from the marinade and transfer to a sheet of foil. It is advisable to take not a single, but a double sheet of foil.
Wrap the pork in foil, raising the edges of the foil upwards so that the juice does not flow out when baked.
Transfer the meat in foil to a baking tray or baking dish and place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 1 hour.
Then turn the foil and bake the pork for about 30 minutes at 180 ° C, lubricating with marinade, until a ruddy crust appears. Pierce the meat with a knife: if the knife enters easily and light juice flows, then it is ready, if the juice is pink or red - you need to continue cooking
Transfer the finished meat to a dish and cut into slices. Serve the baked pork neck with a salad of fresh vegetables and fresh herbs. Enjoy your meal!
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