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Pork loin in the sleeve in the oven

Pork loin in the sleeve in the oven... 8 servings
10 hour 45 min

The preparation of this masterpiece of culinary art consists of several stages. So, the first stage is the preparation of the marinade for the loin:
1. Place the marjoram leaves, garlic, black ground pepper, olive oil and salt in a mortar/blender bowl and rub/grind. The second stage will be the preparation of the loin:

2. It is worth noting here that the piece needs to be bought whole, and not cut into portions. Wash the loin, dry it with a paper towel and cut it to the bone in such a way that you get, as it were, an "accordion. " The third stage is pickling:

3. Rub the prepared loin with marinade, place in a bowl, tighten with film and send to the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, optimally - for a whole night. The fourth stage of cooking is baking:

4. Set the oven to 180 degrees and do the meat.

5. Place the loin in a baking bag or sleeve, arrange the meat on a baking sheet, pour the remaining marinade and freshly squeezed orange juice onto the meat.

6. Send the loin to the oven for 60 minutes. While the meat is baked, you can start the fifth stage - preparing the glaze:

7. To do this, mix honey, lemon juice, olive oil and paprika into a state of uniform emulsion. The sixth and final step is the glazing of the loin:

8. Remove the meat from the oven, but do not turn it off. Carefully, so as not to burn with steam, cut off the top of the sleeve or baking bag.

9. Using a brush, apply the glaze mixture to the meat and send it to the oven for 12-15 minutes. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times for 60-75 minutes. As a result, you should have a ruddy and fragrant crust. In total, the meat should spend 120-135 minutes in the oven, depending on the thickness of the portion pieces. Gently transfer the loin to a dish, garnish with the marjoram leaves and serve. Enjoy your meal!

Pork loin - 1.5 kg, Garlic - 6 teeth, Fresh mayoran - 40 grams, Oranges - 120 grams, Salt - 2 tea liters, Ground black pepper - 1 tea liter, Olive oil - 3 table liters, Paprika - 1 tea liter, Olive oil - 1 table liter, Lemon juice - 1 table liter, Honey - 1 tea liter