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Beef baked in oven in puff pastry

Beef baked in oven in puff pastry... 8 servings
2 hours

1. Rinse the beef fillet well and dry with a paper towel. Form a roll from a piece of meat, binding it in several places with a thick thread so that it keeps its shape and does not collapse.

2. In a separate small container, mix salt and black ground pepper with each other (you can add other spices if desired). Thoroughly grate the formed beef fillet roll with this mixture. Pour some vegetable oil into a large frying pan. Place a beef roll in the pan and fry the meat evenly on all sides over a medium heat until dark brown for about 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and transfer the fried meat roll to a plate to cool it.

4. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees.

5. Sprinkle some flour on a large cutting board and spread out a sheet of puff pastry. Roll it into a large square with the same thickness throughout the perimeter.

6. Cut the ham in thin strips. You can take a ready-made cut of Prosciutto ham. On the rolled sheet of puff pastry, slightly not reaching the edges, evenly lay thin strips of ham, slightly overlapping them with each other.

7. Put dried tomatoes on the ham and distribute them throughout the area of ​ ​ the rolled dough, without going to the most extreme.

8. Transfer the roasted piece of beef to the middle of the ham-covered puff pastry. Gently roll the puff dough around the meat, as if wrapping the meat roll in it. Crack the egg in a bowl and grease the edges of the puff pastry, thus gluing them together. With the remaining egg, cover the entire surface of the puff pastry. Sprinkle the swirled roll of sea salt on top.

9. Carefully transfer the roll to a baking sheet, having previously covered it with parchment paper. Place the tray in the preheated oven for 45-50 minutes. 10. After the specified time, remove the tray from the oven and allow to stand for about 10-15 minutes more. Then slice it, garnish with sprigs of rosemary and serve. Enjoy your meal!

Beef fillet - 1.3 kg, Vegetable oil - 40 ml, Salt - 10 g, Ground black pepper - 4 g, Puff dough - 1 kg, Wheat flour - 20 g, Ham - 300 g, Dried tomatoes - 50 g, Eggs - 1 pc., Sea salt - 5 g, Fresh rosemary - to taste