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Dishes with meat and meat products

Dishes with meat and meat products: 8609 recipes
Recipes for meat and meat products will not leave anyone hungry! This is the most refined and varied section of cooking, with thousands of dishes that don't look like each other. Pork, beef, chicken and turkey, duck, sausages, ham, smoked meats are used to prepare them. They are distinguished by their fullness, a special meat taste that cannot be confused with anything, and an appetite-inducing aroma. Eating meat has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. The active substances that are contained in it stimulate the production of gastric juice, which helps food to digest faster. Meat pulp is eaten in raw form, subjected to heat treatment: boiled, stewed, fried in a pan and on an open fire, baked with vegetables and in its own juice. It is twisted to minced meat and aromatic cutlets, kebab lula, meatballs, meatballs, homemade sausages are prepared. Busy hostesses with a minimum of time to prepare lunch and dinner will be rescued by ready-made meat products. Sausages, sausages, ham, smoked ribs and carbonate are great for any side dish or will become the basis for a salad, casserole or omelette in quick succession. Great soups come out of them with a rich meat taste and smell.