Braised ribs in a slow cooker
3 servings1 hour 30 min
Pork ribs - 800 gr, Onions - 2 pcs., Carrots - 1 pc., Tomato paste - 1 tbsp., Water - 250 ml, Garlic - 2 teeth., Bay leaves - 1 pc., Vegetable oil - 20 gr., Khmeli-suneli - to taste, Black ground pepper - to taste, Salt - to taste

How to put out ribs in a slow cooker? Prepare the necessary ingredients for this. Rinse pork ribs thoroughly in running water and dry with paper towels from excess moisture. I try to pick ribs with lots of meat to make it heartier.

Cut the ribs into pieces.

Peel the onions and carrots and rinse them from pollution. Cut the onion into half rings or a little smaller. You do not need to cut very finely. Cut the carrots into rings or bars. If desired, you can carrot and grate on a coarse grater.

Pour the vegetable oil into the bowl of the slow cooker and turn on the & quot; Roast & quot; mode. Put the prepared pork ribs and fry them until ruddy. Then sprinkle with salt and spices. You can take ground black pepper and suneli hops. If desired, spices can take any to your taste.

Then send chopped onions and carrots to the slow cooker. Add the crushed garlic. Stir everything and continue frying everything together for another 5 minutes.

Stir tomato paste in a glass of hot water and pour into the bowl to the ribs. For the fragrance, add the bay leaf. Switch the multicooker to the & quot; Extinguishing & quot; mode for 1 hour. If you want to get more gravy, then you can pour more water.

During braising, the meat on the ribs will become soft. Vegetables will almost boil. And a delicious fragrance will appear.

Braised ribs are ready! Place them on a dish, supplement with any side dish and serve hot to the table. Enjoy your meal!