Sour cream chicken with cheese and dill in the oven
8 servings40 min
Chicken fillet - 500 g, Sour cream - 3 tbsp, Hard cheese - 200 g, Garlic - 2 teeth, Dill - to taste, Salt - to taste, Ground black pepper - to taste

Necessary ingredients

We cut the fillets into small plates, I cut them like small chops

We beat from two sides, recently I always do it in a package - it is very convenient, because the dishes remain clean and quickly turn over

Put it in a baking dish. I have a non-stick uniform, so I will not lubricate it

Salt, pepper, you can add some spices

Finely chop dill

Add dill to sour cream and pass garlic through the press

Stir - and our delicious sauce is ready

Grease the chicken with the resulting sauce. At this stage, you can put pineapples or mushrooms on top - you get a wonderful chicken with pineapples or chicken with mushrooms

Three coarse grated cheese

Sprinkle chicken fillet and bake in the oven heated to 180 degrees for about 30 minutes, the fillet is prepared very quickly and it is important not to dry it

When such a ruddy crust formed - the dish is ready

Such a chicken is perfectly combined with any side dish. Today I have very tasty and unusual red rice, which I have left after red pilaf, you can see it here http :