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Stuffed legs with mushrooms

Stuffed legs with mushrooms... 4 servings
1 hour 20 min

First, we will prepare the legs by washing them, drying excess moisture with a towel. Now we pull the skin off the legs, collecting it in the folds of the cracker. We cut off the bone with the meat, leaving a piece of bone with the skin. Remove the meat from the bone and cut into pieces. Champignons (400 gr) mine, after which we cut into middle pieces. Clean and dice the onions. Heat the pan with vegetable oil over medium heat, put onions and mushrooms in it. Fry until golden onions. We set aside the fourth part for the sauce, add the rest to the pieces of meat and mix. Pour salt, black ground pepper, mix again. We return to pieces of bone with skin and start with a mixture of meat and mushrooms. Put the legs in a baking dish, having previously lubricated it with a small amount of vegetable oil. We put the mold in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour. Towards the end of baking, we prepare the sauce, for which we clean and pass garlic through the press. Mine, dry and finely chop parsley. Heat the pan with the remaining fried mushrooms, lay out parsley and garlic, pour cream. We cook everything together, stirring, for 5 minutes. Serve the legs along with the sauce. Enjoy your meal!

Chicken legs - 800 gr, Champignons - 300 gr, Onions - 200 gr, Salt - to taste, Ground black pepper - to taste, Vegetable oil - 40 ml, Champignons - 100 gr, Cream - 200 ml, Garlic - 2 teeth, Parsley - 20 gr