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Fried chicken legs with onions in a pan

Fried chicken legs with onions in a pan... 2 servings
1 hour

Chicken legs - 2 pcs., Onions - 1 pc., Ground black pepper - to taste, Salt - to taste, Vegetable oil - 75 g
We prepare products according to the list and then... We prepare products according to the list and then we look at how to fry chicken legs in a pan, but nothing is easier!
Dry my chicken legs with a paper towel, rub them w... Dry my chicken legs with a paper towel, rub them with coarse salt and ground black pepper on both sides.
Pour vegetable oil into the warmed frying pan and ... Pour vegetable oil into the warmed frying pan and lay out the legs. Roast over medium heat. Hiss and startle, of course, strongly, but as they say & quot; you like to burst, love and stomp & quot;, and so as not to wash everything around, just cover the pan with a lid. I love well-fried chicken legs, so I fry them until crispy, ruddy crust so far on one side.
We turn the legs fried on one side and fill with b... We turn the legs fried on one side and fill with bulb onions - you can take more than one head. To do this, we pre-clean it and cut it into large rings or half rings. The main thing is to cut it bigger - personally I like a sweet ray, but if you just grind it, then it will burn out and that's it. Fry for a few minutes over a moderate heat so that the onions get well enough and the other side of the legs also turns ruddy.
Add hot water, preferably boiling water, to the pa... Add hot water, preferably boiling water, to the pan and cover it with a lid. At the moment of adding water, you can add all sorts of seasonings or weed to your taste, the ones you prefer. I like this dish precisely because it tastes like natural chicken without aromatic impurities. Now it remains only to wait 30-40 minutes until the meat is ready. At this time, keep an eye on the amount of water in the pan so that the onions and chicken legs do not burn.
When serving, you can put a pillow of fresh greens... When serving, you can put a pillow of fresh greens on a dish for our meat - it will come out beautifully and appetizing!