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Fried chicken with garlic in a pan

Fried chicken with garlic in a pan... 4 servings
40 min

Chicken - 1 pc., Garlic - 3 teeth, Vegetable oil - 30 grams, Dry spices - to taste, Salt - to taste
How to fry garlic chicken in a frying pan? Prepare... How to fry garlic chicken in a frying pan? Prepare the necessary ingredients for this. For frying, you can use any parts of the chicken or take, like mine, a whole chicken. Spices can be used to your liking and presence. I take black ground peppers and chicken spices.
Rinse the chicken in running water and dry with a ... Rinse the chicken in running water and dry with a paper towel. If excess water remains on the chicken, then it will begin to splash with fat when frying, but we do not need it! Chop the chicken carcass into portions.
Take a wide frying pan so that the chicken can be ... Take a wide frying pan so that the chicken can be laid out in one layer. Preheat the pan to hot and pour some vegetable oil over it. Lay out the prepared chicken pieces. Fry them over high heat for 3-4 minutes on each side.
On a high heat, the pieces will immediately begin ... On a high heat, the pieces will immediately begin to fry and cover with a crust. Now cover the pan, make the heat a little less and continue cooking for another 20 minutes. Occasionally turn the chicken over to cook more evenly inside. If the fire is minimal, then the chicken will begin to soften and the tasty fried crust will not work.
At the end of the cooking, sprinkle salt and spice... At the end of the cooking, sprinkle salt and spices over the chicken.
Add a couple of cloves of chopped garlic. Warm up ... Add a couple of cloves of chopped garlic. Warm up the uncapped garlic chicken for a couple more minutes. This time will be enough for the garlic to give its flavor to the chicken. Fried chicken with garlic is ready! Arrange on plates and serve hot to the table. You can supplement with any sauce. Enjoy your meal!