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Mince stacks with grated potatoes
6 servings
1 hour
1 hour
Minced meat - 300 grams, Potatoes - 2 pcs., Chicken eggs - 2 pcs., Pickled mushrooms - 100 grams, Salt - to taste, Ground black pepper - to taste, Vegetable oil - 1 table, Tomato paste - 50 grams, Hard cheese - 50 grams
How do I make mince stacks with grated potatoes? Ingredients. Minced meat can be used to make a dish. But, of course, the drains will be softer and tastier from homemade minced meat, wound on the meat grinder on its own from pork and beef. You can make drains from minced chicken, you get a dietary product. In a bowl of minced meat, add the finely cut bulb onions, salt and black ground pepper. Stir.
Wash the chicken eggs with soap, put in a saucepan, cover with cold water and put on heat. Cook for about 8 minutes from the moment the water boils. To make it easier to release the chicken eggs from the shell, drain the hot water and fill the eggs immediately with cold water, leave them to cool. Peel the chicken eggs and finely chop with a knife, add sour cream or mayonnaise to them, mix.