Juicy chopped chicken breast patties
4 servings1 hour
Chicken fillet - 800 grams, Eggs - 2 pcs., Onions - 1 pc., Garlic - 2 teeth., Sour cream - 4 tbsp., Wheat flour - 4 tbsp., Dill - 10 grams., Vegetable oil - 50 grams., Salt - to taste, Dry spices - to taste

How to make juicy chopped chicken breast cutlets? prepare everything necessary for this. Cutlets can be made from meat from any part of the chicken. I will use breast fillet. I have eggs in the S1 category.

Cut the chicken meat into small pieces. Try to chop it as small as possible. Transfer the finished chopped meat to a separate bowl.

Peel the onions and rinse in cold water. Then chop the onions, just as small as possible and add to the bowl to the meat.

Next, add the finely chopped dill and eggs.

Add the sour cream. Peel the garlic and pass through the press. Add it to the bowl. Add a little salt and spice to taste. As a spice, I use ground peppers and some paprika.

Pour some flour into the bowl.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth. It is convenient to mix the cutlet mass with a large spoon. The mass is quite wet.

Heat the frying pan until hot and pour in some vegetable oil. Spoon a little mass into the pan and fry the cutlets on both sides for 2-3 minutes.

The finished cutlets will become a mouth-watering golden color. Chicken meat is cooked quickly enough.

Juicy chicken cutlets are ready! Complement them with any side dish and fresh vegetables! Serve hot to the table. Enjoy your meal!