Lush pork mince patties
6 servings1 hour
Pork - 1 kg, Baton - 100 g, Milk - 1 pack., Onions - 2 pcs., Eggs - 1 pc., Manka - 4 tbsp., Breadcrumbs - 0.5 pack., Vegetable oil - 30 g., Salt - to taste, Dry spices - to taste

How to fry lush minced pork cutlets? Prepare all the necessary ingredients. Take the pork with the addition of a small amount of lard. Thanks to the salad, the ready-made cutlets will be juicier. Peel the onions and rinse with cool water. Soak the loaf pieces in the milk and leave to stand a little to soak well.

Cut the pork meat into pieces and pass through a meat grinder. Put the finished minced meat in a spacious bowl, in which it will be convenient to knead the cutlet mass.

After the meat, pass the peeled onions and pieces of loaf through the meat grinder. Only squeeze the loaf a little from the milk. Add everything to the minced meat.

Add the egg, salt and spices to the mince. Spices can add any to your taste. Sprinkle over the semolina. Why add semolina to cutlets? This is necessary for the manka to absorb some of the moisture from the minced meat. And thanks to this, the ready-made cutlets will be lush. Wash the egg in warm water with soda before use, as there may be harmful bacteria on its surface.

Mix the whole mass well until smooth. Beat everything off the bottom of the bowl. How to do this? With your hands, lift the cutlet mass and throw it into the bowl. The minced meat will become denser and the cutlets will not fall apart during frying. Let the mince stand for 10-15 minutes so that the semolina begins to absorb moisture.

With your hands, form small cutlets and roll them in breadcrumbs.

Pour a little vegetable oil into a hot pan and spread the formed cutlets. Fry them on both sides over a medium heat for 2-3 minutes on each side.

Fry the cutlets until they are a mouth-watering golden colour.

Transfer the finished cutlets to a small saucepan so that they lie down and reach. When serving, cutlets can be supplemented with any side dish. But best of all, in my opinion, mashed potatoes will fit them. Enjoy your meal!