Cutlets in the oven with cheese and cabbage
12 servings1 hour 20 min
Minced pork beef - 600 gr, Carrots - 1 pc., Onions - 1 pc., White cabbage - 100 g, Chicken eggs - 1 pc., Milk - 0.5 pack., Sour cream - 1 tbsp., White bread - 2 gr, Hard cheese - 200 gr, Spices dry - to taste, Garlic - 2 teeth, ground black pepper - to taste, Salt - to taste

Products necessary for the preparation of cutlets. All vegetables are peeled and washed. The minced meat is thawed. I prepared it earlier for future use and froze it in the freezer. I have pork and beef mince, you can take any other of the meat that you prefer.

Large cut vegetables. Soak bread crumb in milk or in water.

We grind all vegetables in a blender to the consistency of gruel: carrots, cabbage, onions, garlic. In a blender, bread crumb soaked in milk (or water) can be crushed. All these products can be ground together with meat in a meat grinder if you do not have minced meat prepared in advance.

Put sour cream, vegetables crushed in a blender, bread crumb together with milk (water) remaining after soaking, egg, add spices, pepper, salt to taste in a deep bowl for mince.

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. We get such a homogeneous mass. You can beat off the finished mince several times, taking it out of the bowl and throwing it back. This procedure softens the mince and at the same time allows the cutlets to keep their shape.

We form cutlets, giving them the size and shape that you like more, and immediately put them on a baking sheet (it is desirable that it be with a high bead), pre-lubricated with sunflower oil. Add a little boiling water, put a baking sheet in the warmed oven. Bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, we rub cheese on the grater. In the middle and at the end of cooking, the cutlets are poured with juice, which will stand out when baking.

At the end of cooking, shift the cutlet closer to each other, sprinkle generously with grated cheese. We keep the cutlets a little more in the oven until the cheese melts and forms a molten crust. Browning is not necessary to keep cutlets juicy inside. That's all, the cutlets with cheese in the oven are ready, and the family is right there: they came to the kitchen to a tasty smell! We eat and enjoy!