Turkey mince patties in the pan
4 servings40 min
Turkey - 700 grams, Onions - 1 pc., White bread - 150 grams, Milk - 150 ml, Garlic - 2 teeth, Mustard - 1 tea liter, Vegetable oil - 50 grams, Salt - to taste, Dry spices - to taste

How to make turkey mince patties in a pan? Prepare the necessary ingredients for this. Choose turkey meat without bones. It is desirable that it is not frozen. Choose chilled meat. Soak slices of loaf in milk and leave to lie a little, soak. They are necessary to give the cutlets juiciness.

Cut the turkey meat into pieces, pass through a meat grinder and turn into minced meat. The best mince is one made on its own. But if there is no such opportunity, then you can buy a ready-made one.

Following the meat, scroll a loaf soaked in milk and peeled onions through the meat grinder. Combine everything in the bowl. Add salt, spices and some mustard to taste. Mustard will give a twist on taste. If desired, it can not be added.

Mix all the ingredients well and turn into a smooth mass. To make the mince denser and the cutlets do not fall apart during frying, beat the cutlet mass several times against the bottom of the bowl.

Pour some vegetable oil into a hot pan. With wet hands, blind small cutlets and shape them. Put the cutlets in the pan.

Fry the cutlets over a low heat for 2-3 minutes on each side. Cutlets will become golden.

Fold the finished cutlets into a small saucepan and keep under the lid. They will still steam up and get there. You can make a side dish of mashed potatoes and a salad of fresh vegetables for cutlets. Enjoy your meal!