Chicken with crust pieces with potatoes in the oven
4 servings1 hour 30 min
Chicken - 800 g, Potatoes - 1 kg, Vegetable oil - 100 g, Salt - to taste, Dry spices - to taste, Hot ground pepper - to taste, Garlic - to taste

To make this dish, take medium-sized potatoes so that all tubers are, roughly, the same size. Peel and rinse the potatoes.

Slice the potatoes. Rinse to wash off excess starch. Then put on a paper towel and soak all the moisture well from their surface.

Fold all the potato slices into a bowl. Pour over the vegetable oil. Sprinkle to taste with salt, pepper, dry garlic and spices. Mix everything well so that all pieces of potatoes are evenly covered with the mixture. Then place the potatoes on a prepared roasting tray, greased with oil.

Rinse the chicken pieces and, just as, dry very well with a paper towel.

In the oil mixture left over from the potatoes, roll the chicken pieces. Make sure that it is evenly covered over the entire surface with oil.

Put the chicken on a baking sheet to the potatoes. Spread everything evenly over the entire surface of the tray so that the contents lie free. Place a baking sheet of potatoes and chicken in the oven, warmed to 180 degrees, for 40-50 minutes.

Remove the tray with the finished dish from the oven and arrange on plates. When serving, you can sprinkle a little green. Enjoy your meal!