Baby cabbage cabbage rolls in slow cooker in sour cream sauce
24 servings3 hours 40 min
Cabbage - 1 kg, Minced meat - 600 gr, Round rice - 300 gr, Carrots - 200 gr, Onions - 300 gr, Sour cream - 2 tbsp, Tomato paste - 2 tbsp, Water - 300 ml, Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp, Salt - to taste, Pepper - to taste, Herb mixture - to taste, Bay leaf - to taste, Butter - 15 gr, Vinegar - 1 tbsp.

Let's prepare the products.

Rinse the rice in several waters so that the drained water is clear. Boil until ready.

Wash the cabbage. In a saucepan, boil the water, I salt it a little and add 1 tablespoon vinegar to keep the cabbage leaves from tearing apart. Vinegar gives a fortress. In the cabbage, cut out the grub, put it in boiling water (make the fire not big to boil a little), and remove the leaves as much as possible. Cabbage is young, leaflets need 2-3 minutes, do not digest them.

We put the scalded leaves on a plate, they are still steaming out.

Then, with a knife, carefully cut the seals on the leaflets. We do this with all the leaves.

Now mince. One onion is cut into cubes.

Three carrots on medium grater.

In a frying pan, heat one spoon of vegetable oil and lightly sauté onions and carrots.

In a bowl, combine minced meat, rice, carrots and onions. Salt-pepper to taste. Add your favorite spices. We mix mince very well.

We put a couple of spoons of mince on the cabbage leaf.

We fold in the form of a tube. . .

Then we push each edge into the inside with our fingers & quot;)) I really love this blueberry molding. They are very tightly folded, and then they look neat on a plate.

In the same way, we roll up all the leaves and tightly place the blueberries in the bowl of the slow cooker.

And now a little trick))) We put pieces of butter on blueberries, this will make them even juicier, and you need to put the blueberry bowl for an hour on the cold (in the refrigerator).

In an hour we will deal with the sauce - we cut the onion into cubes and fry it in vegetable oil.

We also add tomato paste and sour cream there. Stir, extinguish a couple of minutecks.

Spoon our sauce on blueberries)) Salt-pepper to taste. BUT don't forget - our mince was seasoned. Add your favorite spices - weed)

Fill everything with boiling water so that the water covers about 2 centimeters. We put the bowl in a slow cooker, close and turn on the program & quot; extinguishing & quot; for 1. 5-2 hours. I bet for 2 hours, they turned out to be very juicy and mega-soft)) At the end of the program & quot; extinguishing & quot; I advise you not to open the lid for at least another 30 minutes in the & quot; heating & quot; mode.

And here are the finished blueberries) The aroma is amazing!

Eat hot with sour cream))

They are very soft, the fork can be freely divided into several pieces) Pleasant appetite!