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Cake fudge

Cake fudge... 8 servings
20 min

Icing sugar - 150 gr, Lemon juice - 2 tbsp, Water - 2 tbsp
Making this simple recipe for cakes fudge will req... Making this simple recipe for cakes fudge will require a minimum of the foods any hostess has: sugar turned into powdered sugar, lemon to squeeze out lemon juice and some hot water. That's all the wisdom of this simple recipe for a very delicious sweet and sour fudge for cakes.
If you don't have ready-made icing sugar, just mak... If you don't have ready-made icing sugar, just make it yourself using a regular grinder.
Wash the lemon, drain with a napkin and roll, pres... Wash the lemon, drain with a napkin and roll, pressing, on the countertop, as shown in the photo. This mechanical action will allow you to squeeze out more and with less effort lemon juice.
Cut off the top of the lemon and squeeze out the j... Cut off the top of the lemon and squeeze out the juice, you don't need much of it - there are two spoons - so you can do without special juicers.
Gradually add the icing sugar. ... Gradually add the icing sugar.
Pour in a couple of tablespoons of hot water from ... Pour in a couple of tablespoons of hot water from the kettle. And immediately start stirring the powder intensively with the liquid with a spoon or fork until white.
Perhaps more powder or water will be needed. This ... Perhaps more powder or water will be needed. This is just to determine - if the fudge is clear and too fluid, then add more icing sugar.
A submersible blender can be used for this purpose... A submersible blender can be used for this purpose.
If the fudge is too thick and does not turn with a... If the fudge is too thick and does not turn with a fork or blender, crystallizes before our eyes, then little water was added. Just add more hot water and whisk the mass again.