Protein glaze

20 min
It should be said about the whipping bowl: * It should be high, since the mass will increase 3-4 times. * Do not take from aluminum, the glaze will become gray. * The bowl should be clean, dry and fat-free. Perfect bowl of glass, faience, enameled and steel. Not very desirable from plastic, but many stationary mixers have this in the kit. Then rinse it well, degrease with a slice of lemon and dry it. There are different opinions about the temperature of proteins, some advise beating only cold ones, others insist on room temperature. Due to circumstances, I checked both options, the result is always positive - they beat up in both cases. Choose enameled, ceramic or glassware for whipping (in no case aluminum, since proteins will turn gray! ).
Egg whites - 3 pcs., Powdered sugar - 360 grams, Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.

How do I know if an egg is fresh? Break it into a separate container. First of all, there should be no unpleasant smell. The protein of fresh eggs will be clear and pure. The yolk should not spread and will be shiny, convex, uniform.
How to beat eggs correctly? How to beat protein? How to beat the yolk? Why it is important to carefully separate proteins from yolks and how the choice of dishes affects whipping, read this article.
Be sure to wash your eggs before use, as even the seemingly clean shell may contain harmful bacteria. It is best to use food detergents and a brush.