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Fries in a frying pan at home

Fries in a frying pan at home... 4 servings
40 min

Potatoes - 400 grams, Vegetable oil - 300 ml, Salt - 1 tea liter.
How to fry fries in a frying pan at home? Prepare ... How to fry fries in a frying pan at home? Prepare the necessary products. New potatoes are best. It is desirable that it is elongated in shape and large enough, such potatoes will be easier to cut with a long thin straw. Oil can be any vegetable: olive oil, corn oil, and rapeseed oil are suitable. But it must be refined, odorless. Otherwise, the oil will burn.
Peel the potatoes. Try to cut the skin very thinly... Peel the potatoes. Try to cut the skin very thinly. If it is not possible to do this with a knife, it is quite possible to use a vegetable peeler.
Cut the potatoes into 5-7mm thick long thin strips... Cut the potatoes into 5-7mm thick long thin strips.
Soak the peeled potatoes in cold water for 10 minu... Soak the peeled potatoes in cold water for 10 minutes. Then drain and rinse the potatoes with a sieve until the water is clear. So you will wash off excess starch from potatoes - it gives softness to potatoes, but we need, on the contrary, crispy potatoes.
Then dry the chopped potatoes well. You can use pa... Then dry the chopped potatoes well. You can use paper towels or dry it naturally. Keep in mind that if at least a drop of water gets into the boiling oil during cooking, then there will be a lot of splashes.
Heat the oil well in a thick-bottomed pan. In orde... Heat the oil well in a thick-bottomed pan. In order to prevent the oil from splashing, you can add a pinch of salt to it - the salt will absorb moisture if there is one.
Spread the potatoes in small portions and fry them... Spread the potatoes in small portions and fry them over a medium heat, stirring occasionally with a slotted spoon.
Cook the fries until golden and the potatoes are r... Cook the fries until golden and the potatoes are ready. It took me about 12-15 minutes.
Place the finished potatoes on a paper towel to re... Place the finished potatoes on a paper towel to remove excess oil.
At the very end, salt the fries. You can also spri... At the very end, salt the fries. You can also sprinkle it with ground paprika, dried dill or garlic. Serve it immediately while it's hot.
Homemade fries in the pan are ready. Enjoy your me... Homemade fries in the pan are ready. Enjoy your meal!