Homemade rosehip wine

45 days 12 hours 15 min
Berries can be used to make homemade rosehips wine according to this recipe, both fresh and dried. The fruits are ground and placed in a prepared glass container (bottle or jar). We take rosehips at the rate of 2 glasses of berries per liter of water. We dissolve sugar in warm water at the rate of a glass of sugar per liter of water. Pour water with sugar to berries. We also add wine yeast there. As a result, the bottle should be 75% full. We close the bottle and leave it in a warm place for about a month. On the seventh day, you need to fill up another half a cup of sugar per liter of water. After a month, the contents of the container are filtered and sugar is added again for a quarter of a cup per liter of the resulting wine. We stand rosehip wine for another month, and then bottle it and store it in a cool place. With long-term storage, the taste of homemade rosehip wine is significantly improved. With moderate consumption of the finished wine, it will have a positive effect on your body, due to the vitamins and nutrients contained in the rose hips.
Rosehip - 4 kg, Sugar - 1.5 kg, Water - 8 l, Finished starter - 250 ml