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Homemade hawthorn wine

Homemade hawthorn wine... 80 servings
40 of the day 1 hour

We sort the berries, identifying and laying too bad, rotten, or simply not ripe enough. The perfect hawthorn for a good wine, this is certainly a fresh and juicy berry of natural color. & nbsp; The berries picked in one bowl are slightly compressed. We put them in this form in a bottle, or any other container suitable in size and shape, to which you can then attach a hydraulic lock. & nbsp; Fill it with water and dilute a kilogram of sugar in this water. Add yeast starter and a mixture of nutrients that will serve as a kind of fuel for fermentation. & nbsp; Connect a hydraulic lock to the bottle neck. This is a mandatory device for a recipe, without which it is difficult to engage in moonshine. In this form, leave the liquid in the bottle to roam for three days. On the fourth day, add 2 kilos of sugar to the bottle, return the hydraulic lock and leave it for a whole week. & nbsp; & nbsp; For the eighth day, filter the wort through clean gauze. The rash in it is still a kilo of sugar. We squeeze the berries separately and pour them into the wort. We return the hydraulic lock. We give the wine a month to withstand. After completing the long cooking process, drain the wine from the sediment. That is, we get rid of yeast that has already served and become unnecessary. We pour wine from hawthorn into more suitable vessels, block and leave for storage. If everything turns out well, be sure to treat your guests to them!

Hawthorn - 5 kg, Water - 10 l, Sugar - 4 kg, Yeast - to taste