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Marzipan figurines

Marzipan figurines... 10 servings
10 min

Marzipan figures are very bright, cheerful and festive! They will cheer up not only the child, but also the adult. If painting and sculpting was your favorite activity as a child, then making marzipan figures will give you real pleasure and the opportunity to show your creativity. In addition, you can involve your children in this process. The eggs need to be beaten. Mix the almonds, sugar, powder and lemon juice thoroughly and add the beaten eggs. Knead the dough. When kneading, divide the dough into parts and introduce the desired dyes. The dough should be homogeneous, elastic, but soft. Now is the time for fantasies, sculpt figures different and multi-colored! Use molds to cut figures, such as leaflets. To make apples, you need to roll small red balls, insert leaflets or twigs. The figurines can be coated with sugar glaze. Strawberries can be dipped in painted sugar sand. It will be easy to make bananas or even whole clusters of bananas. Oranges also turn out like real if you roll them on the surface of a grater. If you have more time and experience, make more complex figurines of animals and flowers. Decorate them with cakes or simply put beautifully in a basket or on a plate. It will turn out a pleasant surprise for everyone!

Almonds - 2.5 pack., Powdered sugar - 1 pack., Sugar - 0.5 pack., Eggs - 2 pcs., Food coloring - to taste