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Strawberry cheese
8 servings
30 min
30 min
Adyghe cheese - 300 gr, Strawberry - 200 gr, Ruccola - 20 gr, Mint - 5 gr, Starch - 2 tbl, Honey - 1 tbl, Vegetable oil - 1 tbl, Powdered sugar - 1 tsp.
How do you make a simple snack on cheese and strawberry skewers? Very simple and fast. First, prepare the necessary ingredients according to the list. The cheese for this snack needs a dense, non-crumbling one that will keep its shape when fried. Adygea and the like are best suited to him. If your honey is saccharized, melt it in the microwave or steam beforehand. Vegetable oil should be suitable for frying. I have refined sunflower.
In a frying pan over high heat, heat the vegetable oil and fry the cheese on all sides until ruddy. If the cheese is selected correctly, it will simply cover with a crust, but will not melt or lose shape. Determine the degree of roasting of cheese according to your taste. The cheese is fried very quickly, so do not move away from the stove.