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Melon jelly

Melon jelly... 4 servings
2 hours 30 min

1. I thoroughly wash my melon under running water, dry it, cut it in half, remove the seeds. Using a tablespoon, clean all the flesh so as to get a "bowl" of melon.

2. Separate the juice from the mined pulp, put the pulp in a sieve for this, rub it with a spoon. There will not be much juice, about 80-90 milliliters.

3. We combine juice with water, pour it into a saucepan, send it to the fire, heat it to a warm state, gently introduce gelatin, while stirring continuously.

4. Gelatin should dissolve completely, so we interfere until there is not a single lump left in the liquid.

5. Pour jelly into the prepared halves of the melon, send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours.

6. We rub chocolate on the grater, sprinkle them with the finished dessert. This is how beautiful, appetizing and delicious jelly looks! Help yourself!

Melon - 600 gr, Water - 50 ml, Melon juice - 80 ml, Gelatin - 10 gr, Milk chocolate - 20 gr