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Cream strawberry dessert

Cream strawberry dessert... 4 servings
30 min

Strawberries - 500 gr, Cream fat - 200 ml, Powdered sugar - 100 gr
How to make a strawberry dessert with cream? Choos... How to make a strawberry dessert with cream? Choose strawberries that are ripe and fragrant. Wash the strawberries well. It is better to wash with pedicels, otherwise it will gain water and become watery. After washing, tear off the stalks and dry the strawberries on paper towels.
Greasy cream from 33% and above, pour into a deep ... Greasy cream from 33% and above, pour into a deep bowl and start whisking at low speed first. Do it neatly without spattering. To make the cream beat well, it is necessary to cool them well, to do this, place them in the freezer for 20 minutes. I also put a bowl and mixer whisks in the freezer.
Add the icing sugar and continue to whisk, vanilli... Add the icing sugar and continue to whisk, vanillin can also be added to taste. Increase the mixer speed and continue to whisk.
Beat until the whisks of the mixer appear distinct... Beat until the whisks of the mixer appear distinct patterns on the cream, it usually takes me about four minutes. Do not overdo it, otherwise it will turn out oil.
Cut the washed strawberries as you like, I cut the... Cut the washed strawberries as you like, I cut them into halves and quarters.
I put the cream for convenience in a pastry bag, b... I put the cream for convenience in a pastry bag, but this is not necessary, you can use a spoon.
We take cremans and begin to alternate layers. At ... We take cremans and begin to alternate layers. At the very bottom I put a little strawberry jam, the recipe does not indicate, but in my opinion it tastes so much, you make it to your taste.
Then a layer of cream. ... Then a layer of cream.
Then the cut strawberries. ... Then the cut strawberries.
Cream again, then jam and strawberries. Finished w... Cream again, then jam and strawberries. Finished with a cream cap, strawberry pieces and a mint leaf. I just offered my version of design and decoration, you make and decorate as you like, in any case it will be tasty! Enjoy your meal!