Pumpkin - 300 grams, Garlic - 3 teeth, Vegetable oil - 1 table, Greens - to taste, Ground black pepper - to taste, Salt - to taste
How to fry a pumpkin with garlic in a pan? Prepare the products. It is better to take pumpkin for such a dish not sweet varieties. Wash the pumpkin, cut, cut off the skin and remove the core with the seeds. Do not discard the seeds, dry them in a dry pan or in the oven - they are very healthy and tasty.
Cut the pumpkin flesh into small cubes or thin slices, who likes it as much as possible. To make the pumpkin snack more satisfying and with a pleasant crispy crust (which is perfect for foam drinks), each piece of pumpkin can be rolled in flour, but in this version the snack will be more calorific.
Peel and run the garlic through the press or grate finely.
Some don't like the pumpkin's specific natural flavour in the finished dish, it can be disguised using fragrant herbs and seasoning, for example, a pumpkin snack will take on a nice flavour with the addition of a few sprigs of parsley greens and dill.
Pour vegetable oil into the pan for frying, heat it. Put the pumpkin pieces on the warmed butter. Add salt and pepper to taste. Fry them until ruddy on one side.
Reduce the heat to medium and fry on the second side also until a slight blush is formed. Top the pumpkin slices with grated garlic. Hold the pumpkin over the heat for a couple more minutes and then remove from the pan. Who likes the spicy and savoury taste of fresh garlic, may leave some of the grated garlic to powder the finished dish.
Put pieces of fried pumpkin on a plate. Top the pumpkin with crushed garlic and fresh parsley and dill greens. Serve to the table. Enjoy your meal!
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