Pollock caviar tartlets

20 min
Cook the chicken egg in a small bucket over a medium heat for 12-15 minutes. Then we send the egg bucket under cold running water so that after cooling it, it can be easily cleaned. Boiled egg to three on a fine grater. We get the curd cheese out of the fridge beforehand to make it softer and can easily be mixed with a spoon. Dill finely chop and mix with cheese. In principle, greens can not be added to cheese, but with it the taste of snacks turns out to be richer. Now we will cut the lemon into thin small pieces to our liking, it will serve as a decoration for pollock tartlets. Now let's start assembling tartlets with caviar. To do this, take one tartlet and put a small amount of curd cheese with herbs on its bottom, then lay out a little grated egg. Put pollock caviar on top. We do this procedure with all tartlets. The final stage will be the decoration of the caviar snack. We will install a piece of lemon on each tartlet and, if desired, add a sprig of dill. In principle, tartlets can be decorated as you like, thereby giving them a special taste. It can be, for example, a piece of bell pepper, which will give juiciness and sweetness to the snack or a piece of cucumber, which will give freshness. In general, this depends more on a person's preferences, his fantasy and love for experiments. After trying to prepare these tartlets, I appreciated the recipe. The snack is interesting to taste, nothing supernatural, but the option is working. It turns out to be tender due to the use of curd cheese and egg, but it should be noted that the taste of caviar is very pronounced. It is difficult to determine exactly how many portions the recipe is designed for, since it depends on which tartlets will be used, that is, it directly depends on their size. My version used rather small tartlets, so it turned out quite a lot.
Pollock caviar - 140 grams, Curd cheese - 1 table, Chicken eggs - 1 pc., Ready-made tartlets - 20 pcs., Dill - to taste, Lemons - 1 pc.