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The word "sandwich" is translated from German as bread and butter. For this, many people love this unpretentious food - the combination of fresh crumb and sweet butter is perfect, especially with hot tea.To the main two components of this "dish" you can add sausage and cheese, tomato and toasted mushroom, canned fish (sprats, tuna), caviar, herbs and spices, capers and gherkins. "Butter and butter" come in different sizes and shapes. A children's sandwich is prepared in a fantasy manner - to depict a food, edible and very tasty plot from the life of a baby, or an unusual face with eyes. For a serious dinner, on the contrary, the right clear forms and sophistication of design are important. In this case, choose a design not only in taste, but in color. Use curly cuttings for sandwich layers - square, circle, diamond, triangle are perfect. Sandwiches differ from sandwiches in one layer of bakery product (sandwich is closed on both sides). They are hot. They cook like this: put the filling, on top - a piece of cheese, and in the oven for 10 minutes. So they can be prepared similar in taste to homemade pizza. Putting a piece of meat, tomato and cheese, get meat in French (although the French do not know about its existence). The little ones call canape, in the Italian style - bruschetta (ciabatta is fried, which also resembles our croutons).