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Milk and kefir pancakes with holes thin

Milk and kefir pancakes with holes thin... 4 servings
30 min

Wheat flour - 160 grams, Milk - 365 ml, Kefir - 125 ml, Eggs - 120 grams, Salt - 0.33 tea liters, Sugar - 40 grams, Baking powder - 0.9 tea liters, Vegetable oil - 20 grams, Vegetable oil - 1 tea liter
How to make openwork pancakes on milk and kefir? P... How to make openwork pancakes on milk and kefir? Prepare the products. Everyone should be at room temperature, so get everything you need out of the refrigerator in an hour, and milk is even better to heat up slightly - so that your finger is warm.
Mix all the dry ingredients: sift the flour with i... Mix all the dry ingredients: sift the flour with incomplete part of the baking powder, add the fine salt, sugar, mix well . /Pancakes with this amount of sugar will be moderately sweet, with an intense golden color. With less, they will be paler, with more - they will quickly blush and can even burn/. If you put soda, you also need to mix it with flour and not extinguish it first - kefir will do it right in the dough.
Separately, mix the liquid ingredients: first, bea... Separately, mix the liquid ingredients: first, beat the eggs well with a whisk, until foamed, you can use a mixer at low speeds. Then add a little warm milk, stir and pour in the kefir. Stir until smooth. Kefir does not need to be specially heated, it is enough to get it in advance so that it is not cold.
Now pour liquid ingredients into the resulting flo... Now pour liquid ingredients into the resulting flour mixture. To do this, constantly stirring with a whisk, trickle in half the liquid. Stir well until homogeneous, the consistency of the thin sour cream will be obtained.
Then, also stirring, pour in the remaining mixture... Then, also stirring, pour in the remaining mixture, stir well. This method will help to avoid the formation of lumps, the dough will be smooth, uniform, correct texture.
Last pour in the refined vegetable oil. It is mand... Last pour in the refined vegetable oil. It is mandatory to add it, it will allow you not to lubricate the pan every time and will improve the taste of pancakes.
The finished dough should turn out to be well pour... The finished dough should turn out to be well poured, the consistency of low-fat cream. The gluten of the flour is different, if it turns out to be thick, add a little warm milk. If liquid - pour a little dough, stir 1-2 spoons of flour, then pour into the main dough, mix well again. Dough, which is started on baking powder or soda, & quot; rest & quot; no need - it can and should be fried right away.
Heat the pan, oil with a brush, including the lowe... Heat the pan, oil with a brush, including the lower edge of the sides. Grease only before the first pancake, all subsequent ones will be removed without problems, even from an aluminum pan. Wait for the oil to give a slight haze, raise the pan and switch the heat to medium.
I try to pour the dough into one circle, guessing ... I try to pour the dough into one circle, guessing to scoop up the required minimum amount of dough into the ladle . /In the photo, I tried to show how it will be if you pour the dough with different thicknesses. Where thin holes are spilled, holes appear - pancakes will be thin and openwork, where they are thicker, roasted well, but there are fewer holes, this will not really affect the taste/. The edges are slightly dry, the dough has become matte - run in a circle with a thin edge of the shoulder blade or skewer.
Then bring the shoulder blade under the pancake an... Then bring the shoulder blade under the pancake and it easily turns over. The second side is fried much faster, seconds 3-4. There is no time to leave. So bake all the pancakes, stir the dough before each scoop. If necessary, lubricate the pan a little, so the pancakes will have a different openwork pattern. If not greased, they will be with a uniform, smooth blush, but they will be removed easily.
This number of products will make 25-26 pancakes d... This number of products will make 25-26 pancakes d 16 cm and 20-21 pcs d 18 cm. It will be easier for beginners to pour using a small diameter, for experienced hostesses it is easy and larger. The dough pours well, the pancakes are easy to turn over, do not tear, the edge does not dry.