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The yemen

The yemen...

Yemeni cuisine is an integral part of one common tradition for all Arab countries. However, it can be traced in local cuisine and a large number of various shades - from Indian to Turkish. It also has its own distinctive features: Yemeni cuisine recipes include a lot of seafood, thick soups are prepared everywhere, spices are used simply on a global scale, while rice is practically not consumed.

In the season on the coast, it is advised to order fresh shrimp, lobster and fish, for example, perch, grouper or barracuda - the choice always remains with the eater. Not to say that Yemenis are fastidious foodies, but the fact that they are experts in spice is unambiguous. Often in one dish there are up to fifteen names of spices, which are jewelry mixed in the right proportions.

In all other respects, it can be noted that this is a typically Arab country where traditional tortillas, kebabs, kofta, braised lamb, fermented milk products, homus, couscous, herbs and all kinds of salads are ubiquitous. All Yemeni dishes are distinguished by a rather sharp taste. Sauces are used here noticeably less than in other Arab countries - their role is played by vegetable oils, vinegar and mixtures of various herbs.

In general, the main products that are most often used in Yemeni recipes include lamb, lamb, various vegetables and, of course, fish.

A rather interesting and completely unfamiliar dish of Yemeni cuisine for us, which is hotly loved by the local population - bull tail soup. It is believed that when a person tastes it, the back of the eater will become invulnerable. In addition, "Haradha" is famous for national dishes - minced meat seasoned with pepper and spices, "Salta" - poultry stew with beans, lentils, peas and coriander, meat soup "Marag, " "Hanid" - lamb stew and "Cabsa" - lamb rice. Many eateries are cooked and eaten in a bowl of stone called magla.

Flavoured with a variety of spices, the dishes are always served with wonderful locally produced flavoured bread. The most delicious is the gray bread "Sabaya, " which is baked using durro (one of the sorghum varieties) in an open oven right on fire. In addition, local tortillas are equally tasty and popular: "Bureik" (a layer with meat) and "Malauh" (also made from puff pastry), which is fried in a frying pan, and then eaten with boiled eggs and tomato sauce. Yemenis are used to using tortillas, oriental sweets, honey pies and desserts made from fresh fruits.

Being in Yemen, be sure to find a time and place to enjoy the sunset with a couple of cups of real velvety life-giving "Coffee Mocha. " This drink is the most popular here. It is customary to drink with coriander or ginger and always without added sugar. In addition, you can often be offered a coffee drink "Gyshr" - an overly sweet liquid brewed from coffee husks. Many people like it, but it is undoubtedly a national dish for an amateur.