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The ukrainian

The ukrainian...

Ukrainian cuisine is so unique that it is almost impossible to confuse it with any other. Rarely, who does not know what Ukrainian borscht, kulesh, cabbage rolls, casseroles, twists and so on are. These are perhaps the most famous and most common dishes of Ukrainian cuisine.

Recipes for Ukrainian cuisine abound in garlic as seasoning. Garlic is added to almost every dish and each of them gives a unique taste and unusual aroma, supplementing and completing the composition. Ukrainian cuisine is characterized by fish dishes. For example, sichenik, minced collops, fish with cabbage and cottage cheese, etc.

Vegetable dishes are unusually popular in Ukraine. The most common vegetables in Ukrainian cuisine recipes include potatoes, cabbage, beets or in Ukrainian "buryak. "

Like Russian, Ukrainian cuisine is rich in all kinds of flour products. These include pampushki, dumplings, galushki - one of the national symbols of Ukraine.

There are a lot of sweet dishes in the recipes of Ukrainian cuisine. This is a variety of berry and fruit salads, jellied berries, uzvara, jelly and snowballs. Drinks of their fruits and berries are also very popular. From fruits and berries, Ukrainians prefer plums, cherries, pears, currants, watermelon and slightly less raspberries and apples.

Ukrainian cuisine is widely known outside the country. But perhaps the most famous dish is Ukrainian borscht. Most often, Ukraine is associated with borscht and lard. These are the most recognizable "brands" of Ukrainian cuisine.

They began to talk about national Ukrainian cuisine quite late. Until the 17th century, it was difficult to separate it from the Polish and Belarusian culinary traditions. This is due to historical conditions and the difficult fate of Ukrainian statehood. Pork, beets, flour and some others can be considered the main products of Ukrainian cuisine. The key ways to prepare dishes are complex heat treatment of a large number of ingredients, which during the preparation process do not lose their unique taste, but, on the contrary, acquire its new shades.

One of the most beloved products of Ukrainians is lard. It can be used as a component of dishes and as an independent meal. Such a very reverent attitude towards pork makes Ukrainian cuisine similar to the kitchens of Western Slavs and Belarusians. Lard in Ukrainian cuisine is used in every way. It is eaten salted, smoked, peppered, boiled and fried. Salo is even used to prepare confectionery products. For example, the famous verguns are fried on pork lard.

Ukrainian cuisine is unthinkable without tomatoes and sunflower oil, although they entered the culinary tradition already in the 19th century, when the foundations of Ukrainian cuisine had already developed. The widespread use of eggs is a distinctive feature of Ukrainian cuisine recipes. This is almost like a fat necessary addition to any dish. What can we say about one of the traditional dishes of Ukrainian cuisine in various variations. We are talking, of course, about all kinds of "yaeshen. "

National alcoholic beverages for Ukrainians are vodka, wine, homemade tinctures and, of course, the famous gorilka. Honey vodka with pepper, the recipe of which was invented by Ukrainians, is widely known all over the world. It combines different, even contradictory tastes, which, nevertheless, create a very harmonious combination.

Ukrainian cuisine is both abundant and simple, traditional and extremely diverse. The traditions of Ukrainian cuisine are a worthy part of the world culinary tradition.