I do not think that many have heard, much less know the recipes of tex mex cuisine. Agree, usually you can learn a lot by the name of the kitchen.
For example, marine cuisine is a dish of fish and seafood, and Mediterranean cuisine is a synthesis of the culinary traditions of an entire region.
In this case, the name is very difficult to understand, much less appreciate the dishes of tex-mex cuisine. However, with a closer look at the tex mex of the kitchen, everything falls into place. Tex-mex is a word that was formed from two abbreviated spellings of Texas and Mexican cuisine.
You can characterize the history of tex mex cuisine, in a few words, so - the adventures of national Mexican dishes in America. Tex Mex cuisine is not so famous and popular in our area, although the history of the kitchen goes back even a hundred years.
It all began at the beginning of the 19th century, when a young American democracy decided to expand its territories at the expense of native Mexican lands. Modern Texas in 1800 was a rather dull sight. Poor and undeveloped non-standard North Mexican town.
The Texans were lucky, because the American neighbors decided to lay a railway called the Texas Mexican Railway, the abbreviated abbreviation of the iron sounded like Tex. Mex. In 1836, Texas developed so much that it decided to declare its independence and secede from Mexico.
At first, the Mexican authorities did not even pay attention to the desire of some state there to become independent. However, Texas independence soon cost Mexico dearly. The Americans decided to help their brothers and annexed the Texas territories.
Then the Mexican authorities decided to fight and a short Mexican-American war broke out, which, as expected, ended in the defeat of the Mexicans. As a result, America expanded its territories with the help of the state of Texas, and in addition to California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico.
The development of tex mex cuisine recipes just begins with the arrival of new owners in the original Mexican territories. Tejano or Texans of Spanish descent settled in Texas. Now American cuisine is beginning to merge in unity with the Spanish traditions and cooking of the Indians, who for many years lived in the territory of modern Texas.
The recipe for tex mex cuisine is characterized by some features. Firstly, this is the composition of the ingredients. With the change of owners in Texas, much has changed, including the taste preferences of its inhabitants. Instead of meat dishes from lamb, they began to cook beef, corn, legumes, wheat, as well as molasses became widespread everywhere.
Secondly, the acceleration of the pace of life, because now Texas has become a major city. The urban rhythm dictates its rules for preparing food and fast food eateries and restaurants are now incredibly popular. At the beginning of the 19th century, a fast food restaurant was a trailer or cart from which food was sold.
Mexicans began to make money on fast food, gradually their clothes began to be popular and received the name of the tek-mex cuisine. The tex mex menu of the day included such simple and uncomplicated national Mexican dishes as Enchiladas, it's a tortilla wrapped with a filling of meat, vegetables and a must-have sauce, as well as Tamales, a steamed pastry and corn leaf dish.
The mobility and speed of cooking tex mex cuisine is considered its main feature. The impetus for the development of the modern culinary tradition of tex mex cuisine was given by the cookbook "Cuisines of Mexico" by American author Diane Kennedy, who has long lived in Mexico.
In the 70s, this book became a bestseller and helped open the eyes of an American who mistook tex mex cuisine for Mexican cuisine. In America, they were not too worried about what the new genre of cooking is called, but Mexicans were unhappy, because tex-mex cuisine recipes have little to do with Mexican cuisine. Rather, it is a synthesis of the Spanish, American and Mexican culinary tradition.