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The tatar

The tatar...

The Republic of Tatarstan is located on the largest plain in the center of the Russian Federation.

On the territory of Tatarstan, the two great and largest rivers Kama and Volga are united. The history of Tatarstan dates back a hundred years.

The ancient inhabitants of Tatarstan came from Turkic tribes and called themselves Bulgars. Later, the territories of the Bulgarian state became part of the famous Empire of Genghis Khan, therefore, in the traditions, culture and recipes of Tatar cuisine, echoes of Mongol and Turkic ancestors are heard.

Nowadays, 115 nationalities live on the territory of Tatarstan, who get along perfectly on the same land. The neighboring countries had a huge influence on the formation and development of Tatar cuisine. Many recipes for Tatar cuisine were borrowed from Russian, Uzbek, Tajik, Udmurt cuisine. The oldest dishes of Tatar cuisine can be considered pilaf, which is made from rice and meat, a traditional sweet treat for Central Asia halva and ice cream sherbet.

Interestingly, the influence of the culinary traditions of other states brought new ingredients to Tatar cuisine, but ethnic Tatar features remained. In Tatarstan, quite favorable conditions for growing vegetables and fruits, therefore, vegetable components can often be found in dishes of Tatar cuisine.

The fact that two large rivers flow through the territory of Tatarstan could not but affect Tatar cuisine. The rich underwater world of the Volga and Kama gives the Tatars the opportunity to cook a variety of fish dishes. Tatar cuisine gives a special place to the first dishes. Hot soups or broths are an obligatory part of the meal in the Tatar house. There are several types of broths in Tatar cuisine.

Shulpa or broth can be meat-based, often cooking lean broth on milk. The most famous Tatar soup Tokmach is made on the basis of meat broth with the addition of flour and noodles. Often vegetable soups are made in modern Tatar cuisine. Tatar dumplings also belong to the first dishes, because they are served according to a centuries-old tradition with meat broth and herbs.

Among the main dishes of Tatar cuisine can be distinguished primarily meat dishes, dishes from potatoes and various cereals. Tatars - meat-eaters who fry meat, bake on an open fire, cook thinly chopped meat or braise with vegetables, spices and onions. Usually, a side dish of boiled potatoes with herbs and obligatory Tatar horseradish are served to meat, which serves as a kind of sauce for meat dishes.

Chicken meat is also used in Tatar cuisine. For example, on holidays, hostesses stuff Tutyrgan chicken with eggs. Cereal dishes are also prepared with pieces of fatty meat, for example, the oldest Tatar cereal dish Belish. Famous and loved by many Kazan pilaf, which is prepared from rice and meat, vegetables. The favorite Tatar way to cook lamb or beef meat is Bishbarmak. This dish is characteristic of many Asian nationalities.

A delicacy for Tatars is Kazylyk horse meat sausage or cured goose/duck meat. The Tatar culinary tradition is characterized by the preparation of such porridge as buckwheat, millet, rice, pea and oatmeal. Tatarstan is famous for pastry baking. Usually Tatar hostesses knead two types of dough - hearty and fresh.

Tatar bread is made from sour yeast dough. Bread in Tatarstan is considered a sacred product, in ancient times they swore bread, so not a single everyday or festive meal can do without it. Among the drinks that belong to the national Tatar cuisine are Ayran and Katyk, these are milk-based drinks. There is an old tradition in Tatar culture to show respect for a guest he is offered strong black tea with fresh pastries or traditional Tatar Chak-chak sweets (pyramids of dough with honey).