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Kitchens of the world Food calories



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In modern times, we are surrounded by incredible abundance. You can find exotic products on the shelves of our stores. Technological advances in cooking have reached unprecedented peaks. Now the kitchen of the modern hostess is equipped with various appliances and cooking devices no worse than the kitchen in the restaurant.

Smart ovens that choose the right temperature and cooking time themselves, you just need to press one button and choose a program. Bread makers, which allow you to bake delicious and healthy bread without leaving your home, now do not have to buy bakery products in the store.

And various small household appliances resemble robots from outdated films about the future more than ordinary mixers, kettles and coffee makers. Nowadays, everyone can learn to cook, you just need to buy cookbooks in the store, find out the recipes of world gastronomy, and then apply the knowledge gained in practice.

For those who like to take it seriously, there is always the opportunity to sign up for culinary courses, where experienced masters will tell you how to prepare dishes of the peoples of the world, dishes of meat, home or mixed cuisine. What else will you be surprised by the mixed cuisine? This is a new fashion trend in culinary art, which involves mixing dishes from different peoples of the world in recipes for one cuisine.

Mixed cuisine recipes are often called international. However, this is not entirely a true comparison. The difference between international cuisine and mixed cuisine recipes is as follows. The internationality of cuisine implies its versatility for several nationalities. For example, most peoples from the former republics of the USSR continue to prepare dishes that actually belong to Russian national cuisine.

Mixed cuisine involves a rich taste variety, which is achieved with the help of well-known national recipes of the peoples of the world. True, mixed cuisine has its own preferences here too. According to sociological surveys, it was possible to find out that Russian, Latin American and European culinary traditions are the basis for the dishes of mixed cuisine.

Successful restaurateurs read useful sociological studies, because they understand that a restaurant belongs to the highest mark-up category and makes a profit, you need to keep up with the times. And, therefore, give customers "bread" in the form of dishes of mixed cuisine and "spectacles" in the form of a pleasant atmosphere in the institution.

Usually in restaurants of mixed cuisine near each dish served to you will be a small icon indicating the name and country of the recipe carrier. Many are skeptical of mixed-food restaurants. At all times, true foodies understood that the preparation of any dishes depends on the skill of the cook.

Therefore, a good professional cook (or rather several chefs) who can prepare dishes according to mixed cuisine recipes is the main component of success. And there are not many such specialists, so the menu of most restaurants of mixed cuisine is not particularly diverse and high quality.

True, it is not at all necessary to go to a newfangled and, as a result, expensive restaurant, in order to taste perhaps not the most delicious dishes of mixed cuisine only because the cook specializes in Mediterranean cuisine, and you, as luck would have it, wanted to taste Indian curry. Nobody will cook curries better than Indian cooks. So maybe it was worth choosing an Indian restaurant?