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The siberian

The siberian...

When winter comes and sub-zero temperatures come, we often use the expression "Siberian frosts. " Siberia for us is associated with severe northern weather conditions.

And this is one hundred percent true. The vast Siberian region extends across northeastern Eurasia. Siberian expanses limit the Ural Mountains in the west, the Pacific Ocean in the east, and the Arctic Ocean in the north.

Nowadays, Siberia is called the territories of the Russian Federation, although geographically and historically Siberia is a broader concept. Part of the territories of modern Kazakhstan and the entire Far East, here are the borders of Siberia.

Since ancient times, such northern nationalities as: Yakuts, Tuvans, Altai, Dolgans, Shors, Siberian Tatars, Buryats, Nanais, Udege, Nenets, Khanty, Mansi and many others live in Siberian territories. Modern peoples of Siberia can be divided into several groups, depending on their ancestors - Turkic peoples, Mongol peoples, Tunguso-Manchu, Samodian and Fino-Ugric peoples.

The oldest peoples that inhabit Siberia are the Chukchi, Itelmen and Koryaks. Such a variety of ancestors of the current Siberians indicates the rich and versatile cultures of Siberia. Now it becomes clear how among the recipes of Siberian cuisine appeared dishes of the Eastern peoples.

Siberian cuisine on the one hand is similar to the culinary traditions of the peoples of the North. On the other hand, Siberian cuisine is much more diverse. This is primarily due to the rich natural diversity of the flora and fauna of Siberia.

The Siberian climate is severe, winters are long, and summers are short, it is good that warm. And what is the main thing in Siberian frosts? Of course, do not freeze. In order not to freeze in winter, Siberians are well insulated with clothes and nutritious high-calorie dishes of Siberian cuisine.

Meat and meat products are considered the main ingredient in Siberian cuisine. Meat dishes in Siberia belong to everyday necessity, because meat charges the human body with energy. Until now, beef and only then pork and lamb are more often used in Siberian dishes.

This happened historically, which is interesting, Siberians did not breed pigs at home. These were rather semi-wild pigs, which were released in the summer, and domesticated in the fall, fed for a couple of months, and then stabbed. Usually the meat was baked in the oven in large pieces or whole carcasses.

The recipes of Siberian cuisine are famous, according to which in our time the hostesses prepare delicious and unusual fresh, raw meat. Fresh or salted corned beef meat is a characteristic feature of the cuisine of the northern peoples. In Siberian cuisine, it is customary to simmer meat, fry, bake in an oven or in an oven, as well as on an open fire.

From meat offal (ears, tongues, hooves) they made cold and even poured, smoked pork ham, made meat soups and chowder. The most famous Siberian dish is meat dumplings. And in our time, Siberians sit down with whole families to sculpt dumplings.

The classic Siberian recipe for dumplings involves combining at least three varieties of meat in minced dumplings. Fish dishes occupy a separate place in Siberian cuisine. Fish were floated, fried, boiled, dried, sluggish, and also pickled and baked in an oven or over an open fire.

Siberian delicacy - small salted fish from Lake Baikal Omul. This fish at all times was famous for its unique and tender taste. Residents of Siberia love baking pies. Fillings for Siberian pies are made from meat, fish, as well as vegetables or berries.

Modern life also leaves its mark on the original Siberian traditions. Nowadays, even Siberians prefer heavy meat dishes, light Japanese sushi.