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As you know, life on planet Earth originated in the oceans, and only then, as a result of the evolution of fish (aquatic invertebrates), they began to gradually master on land.

In primitive times, people baked unpeeled fish right in the fire. And nowadays, in first-class restaurants, you will be served a sophisticated and excellent dish of fish cuisine, which was made by the chef himself.

Fish cuisine recipes are not in vain considered one of the oldest. Today we invite you to take a short trip to the past of fish cuisine and trace its development from antiquity to the present. I would like to note that in almost any national cuisine you can find fish dishes.

For islanders or coastal residents, fish is considered the main ingredient in cooked meals. Fish is considered a lean product, so eating fish dishes is not prohibited by any world religion. True, there are some prescriptions regarding the days on which fish can be consumed.

Modern fish cuisine originated in ancient Greece. Greek fish cuisine recipes are on the gold list of world culinary masterpieces. Greece is surrounded by seas in which a variety of fish is found, so it is not surprising that the nobility and the simple poor ate fish dishes.

The Greeks were considered good seafarers and fishermen. Most of the men of the coastal villages had their own boats and were engaged in fishing. Sturgeon was considered a delicatessen during ancient Greece. The Romans adopted most of the traditions of Ancient Greece, including a boundless love of fish dishes.

In the Middle Ages, they continue to fry and bake fish on an open fire, serve fish with vegetables. Court chefs specifically order fresh sea fish to make unusual culinary masterpieces for their monarchs.

Commoners used fish as well as aristocrats. However, peasant fish cuisine was distinguished by its simplicity and unassuming. A peasant or worker could not afford elite varieties of fish, so a simple herring or carp came in.

In Russia, fish dishes were no less popular than in the West. Matushka Russia is rich in lakes, rivers and seas, so the Russian nobility could always afford to taste outlandish species of fish. In the 18th century, fish cuisine reached its peak in the Russian Empire.

There was a fashion for France and everything French, so the nobility began to massively write out chefs from abroad who brought dishes of rich French cuisine to the court of the Russian Emperors. At that time, famous fish snacks appeared, which were made only from fresh fish, which were specially delivered from the Caspian, Baltic or Black Sea, from the Don, Ladoga or Onega.

Anchovy and eel were considered a delicacy among the Russian nobility. The turbulent time of revolutions, coups and changes, the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, influenced the taste preferences of people. However, the fish has not lost its relevance. And it was still eaten, perhaps abandoning excesses and delicacies.

The Soviet tradition, which has survived to our time, is to serve sandwiches or tartlets with red caviar or "red" fish (pink salmon, salmon, salmon), as well as bake stuffed fish on holidays and special occasions. It can take a single day to list fish cuisine recipes.

Fish can be subjected to various treatments - bake, fry, cook, make minced fish, poured from fish, canned fish, etc. Fish is perfectly combined with various products, as well as sauces, spices and spices.

In the new millennium, it is fashionable to lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor the balance of your diet. In each city you can safely find a fish restaurant. And in truth, fish cuisine gives an excellent opportunity to eat tasty and varied, it is enough only to master a couple of simple recipes and buy fresh fish.