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The polynesian

The polynesian...

Polynesia is a unique territory that includes more than 1000 islands. Large and small islands of the Polynesian region of Oceania are located in the Pacific Ocean.

Historically, all tribes that inhabit the Polynesian region are considered excellent seafarers. But this is not surprising, given that people had to move exclusively on water, as well as get food for themselves in the waters of the ocean.

Here you want not to become a wonderful sailor. Recipes for Polynesian cuisine are national dishes of territories such as Hawaii, Samoa, Tonga, Marquesas, Tuamotu, Tubuai, Tuvalu, Cook, Line, Phoenix, as well as Easter Island, Pitcairn Islands, Niue Island, Tahiti, Haiti.

And this is only a small part of the inhabited islands, the inhabitants of which eat Polynesian dishes. All the peoples of Polynesia were engaged in agriculture. Ancient Polynesian tribes began growing yams, yam, yam, taro and sugarcane at the dawn of their existence.

Also, the inhabitants of Polynesia eat the fruits of coconut tree, bread tree and bananas. In Polynesian culture, there was a strict division of labor between men and women. The strong floor was engaged in agriculture and hunting, the construction of dwellings and boats, it was also the men who made fire and prepared Polynesian dishes.

Women followed crops, were engaged in gathering (coconuts, mollusks, firewood), made baskets, mats, looked after livestock. Sometimes women were allowed to prepare food according to the recipes of Polynesian cuisine.

The inhabitants of Polynesia were engaged in breeding domestic pigs and chickens, as well as hunting to extract animal meat for consumption. Pork and chicken are the main ingredients of the meat dishes of Polynesian cuisine.

The main feature of Polynesian cuisine can be considered their method of preparation. They were prepared in Polynesia in special earthen furnaces. The famous dish of Polynesian cuisine Ia Ota is considered the national treasure of the islanders.

The Ia Ota snack is made from fish and vegetables that do not undergo heat treatment. The main highlight of Ia Ota is that the ingredients for the dish are diced and marinated in lemon juice with various seasonings and spices.

Then all the ingredients of the dish are soaked in coconut milk and served on the table. Another special dish according to the recipes of the peoples of Polynesia is Chevret. The main component of this culinary masterpiece is seafood, namely shrimp, which are found in the fresh waters of the rivers of Polynesia.

Poe's famous Polynesian dessert is a taro-root pudding that is laced with vanilla, papaya, bananas and pumpkin. Coconut milk sauce is served to dessert. In the Middle Ages, rumors circulated in Europe about total cannibalism in the ranks of the natives.

Europeans believed that, for example, the Papuans of New Guinea or Zealand eat human meat three times a day. In reality, the veracity of such claims was greatly exaggerated, which was eventually proved by the traveler and researcher of Aboriginal life Miklouho-Maclay.

Although in reality, Polynesians used human meat in ritual actions. However, this happened extremely rarely and only on certain islands of Polynesia. Unfortunately, it was rumors that Polynesians eat human meat that served as a powerful impetus for the beginning of the colonization of Polynesian islands.

Europeans were more developed in terms of military art, they had modern weapons and gunpowder. The natives died in the thousands when they performed with a bow and arrows against firearms.