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The german

The german...

German cuisine is a collective concept that unites independent and original cuisines of various regions of the single state of Germany. Speaking of the traditions of German cuisine, we imply general rules for the preparation and consumption of food for all German people.

The general German culinary tradition is characterized by the consumption of meat for food. The most beloved meat for Germans is pork. It is estimated that the average statistical resident of Germany consumes at least 84 kilograms of pork per year.

Such a selfless love of the Germans for meat resulted in another all-German tradition - sausage products. There is a huge selection of ways to make homemade sausages and sausages in German recipes. In Germany, at least 1, 500 types of sausages are produced and eaten.

We think many of you have heard about the famous German sausages and sausages. German culinary experts make sausages from pork or ground beef. A mandatory component of sausages is garlic and coriander, as well as other spices and spices. An incredibly delicious dish of German cuisine, smoked Black Forest ham.

Among the dishes of German cuisine, vegetable components are not rare. Vegetables are served as a side dish or main dishes, and also cook puree soups with them. The leading vegetables for German cuisine are carrots, beans, of course, potatoes, peas, spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage, the favorite by all Germans.

The favorite recipe for German cuisine for all residents of Germany is sauerkraut. More than one real feast is not complete without this vegetable. During a traditional German meal, you will be served boiled potatoes with fried lard and onions, as well as sauerkraut. Pork, sauerkraut, potatoes and bread. Here is the basis of the diet of any German citizen.

Bread in German cuisine has a special role. In total, there are more than 600 types of various bakery products in the culinary tradition of Germans. In German recipes, I use various flour to bake bread. White varieties of bread are baked from wheat flour, often wheat is mixed with other cereals and obtained healthy, but rough gray bread.

Black or rye bread is very popular, and the famous Pumpernickel bread is baked by adding sunflower or pumpkin seeds. Which is particularly interesting. Germans eat bread not only at breakfast, but also serve it in the evening as a side dish.

It is impossible to pass by the drinking traditions of the Germans. Every meal in a traditional German house is not complete without the famous king of beer drinks. Most Germans are infinitely fond of such a type of beer as Pilsner. Residents of southern Germany have long brewed wheat beer lager. Bavaria is a region that is famous for its noble beer drink.

There is another popular type of beer - kelsh or altib, this type of beer is brewed in the city of Cologne. And East Germany is popular for its special variety of schwarzbir beer. Germans also like to drink a glass of schnapps or homemade German moonshine based on wheat or fruits. And the Germans also make beautiful wines that differ in their sourness. For example, the famous riesling wine variety.

The German tradition of eating prescribes eating at least five times a day, and an everyday meal should consist of at least 5-6 dishes. Soup is first served, and then the main course, to which 3-4 snacks are added. It can be sauerkraut, cheese, vegetable salads or just stewed vegetables. Any German meal traditionally ends with dessert and is not complete without a mug of beer.

German cuisine is interesting for special days and holidays. Germans like to celebrate the holidays violently and always prepare something special for the festive table. For example, an asparagus dish served with a special Dutch sauce, which includes pork, ham and butter. Also, on special days, the Germans bake a pig. A whole carcass of a young piglet is stuffed with spices, strung onto a spit and baked over an open fire.