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Recent research by scientists has shown that residents of some states consume up to 130 kg of meat per year. Meat cuisine can rightfully be considered one of the most popular on planet Earth.

In our modest opinion, meat cuisine can be safely given the palm as the oldest cuisine in the world. Anthropologists still have not come to a consensus about when humanity was born. To date, researchers are finding more and more evidence and specifying the original dates.

It is generally accepted that the progenitors of modern man appeared about 70, 000 years ago. But this is not the final date, because not once again will the entire theory of the origin of mankind be fundamentally revised and adjusted.

Only one thing will remain unchanged. Among the main occupations of ancient people was gathering and hunting. People collected gifts of nature and forests (berries, mushrooms, root crops), and people hunted animals and birds to then cook their meat for food. Where there were bodies of water (rivers, lakes, seas), people caught fish or seafood.

Therefore, we can say that meat cuisine was born with a person who began to get food for himself by hunting predatory animals, and then prepare prey. Judging by the name, the main ingredient in meat cuisine recipes is a variety of meats.

Humanity has achieved significant results in improving the process of cooking meat. From rough spit frying to exquisite masterpieces of world cooking. Initially, the main dish of meat cuisine was the carcass of the mined animal cooked on a fire. Ancient people did not add any spices or seasonings to the meat, in view of their absence.

The only thing that was done with meat before cooking was to separate the animal skin from the carcass. During the evolution of mankind, not only the appearance and character of people changed, but also their taste preferences. In ancient times, the main dish of meat cuisine was a pie with meat filling.

At the famous Athenian feasts, pies with meat and herbs were served, as well as sausages made of hare or poultry meat with the addition of cereals and spices. The Romans adopted Greek traditions and began to eat meat dishes such as baked pork, beef, donkey and lamb. In Antiquity, the meat of wild animals, especially wild boar, was still popular.

Meat cuisine was known not only to the Romans and Greeks. The ancient Scythians loved to feast on cooked animal meat. They came up with a very interesting way in which they made a hole in the ground, not very deep, but also not small. Water was poured there and hot stones were thrown when the water boiled Scythian chefs threw pieces of meat into the water and cooked, adding spicy herbs.

You can make a lot of delicious and nutritious dishes from meat. Meat products are boiled, fried, stewed, baked and let in. Main dishes are made from meat, hearty broths and soups are boiled, sauces and fillings are made for baking, minced meat is considered an integral part of meat cuisine. Minced meat bread is baked, to which onions, eggs, mushrooms, bacon, seasonings and spicy herbs are added.

A lot depends on the type of meat and the method of its preparation. For example, a well-known and beloved dish of meat cuisine around the world - steak can be divine or hopelessly spoiled in inept hands. Properly cooked meat steak is considered a meal for real foodies.

Inexperienced chefs believe that steak is just a piece of fried meat, and therefore it is very easy to cook. The statement is fundamentally incorrect. To get a delicious dish according to the recipe of meat cuisine, you need to choose the meat correctly and cook it correctly.