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Marine cuisine is considered one of the most common among many other gastronomic traditions in the world.

Most of the world's population will always be happy to taste dishes based on marine recipes. The main components of marine cuisine are fish and seafood.

This, perhaps, combines Greek national cuisine (fish in Greek) with Japanese (sushi), American (lobster, sheda caviar) and German cuisine (herring) and many and many other culinary traditions for preparing marine dishes.

Marine cuisine has been recognized as a separate direction in gastronomy relatively recently. Famed first-rate chef and Frenchman Jacques Le Divellec was the first to put seaside cuisine on a pedestal and open his own restaurant. The restaurant, called Le Chat Noir, serves exclusively marine cuisine, which distinguishes it from all other restaurants that offer sea delicacies.

Jacques did not limit himself to opening a restaurant and wrote his first bestseller back in the 70s of the last century. The book "Marine Cuisine" was loved by many culinary experts, and the recipes of marine cuisine with the light hand of Mr. Le Divellec were forever included in the list of masterpieces of world gastronomy.

It is worth noting that the French chef turned his close attention not only to the well-known types of fish and seafood, which were already known in Europe. He discovered to gourmets completely unused to the village varieties of fish. For example, macro, herring and haddock.

Jacques became so interested in the spread of maritime cuisine traditions that he began to hold annual festivals around the world. Now people could freely get acquainted with sea cuisine recipes and try various delicacies, you just had to visit the sea cuisine festival in your city.

The main merit of Jacques Le Divellec is that he was able to convey the recipes of maritime cuisine to people and show that even ordinary herring can become a masterpiece of culinary art, you just need to want it. The world's oceans are rich in various varieties and species of fish and seafood.

Sea cuisine recipes use not only fish, but also crustaceans. For example, famous crabs, shrimp, langoustas and lobsters. Foodies treat oysters, mussels and scallops with respect. Also, marine cuisine is not conceivable without octopuses, squid, trepang and even sea urchins.

Marine cuisine is nutritious and incredibly healthy, because seafood contains such a valuable protein for our body. Marine cuisine is considered indispensable and even curative for people who suffer from some diseases.

Doctors advise any person to eat fish and seafood as often as possible. Not only the useful properties of fish delicacies, but also their lightness and good digestibility by the body in comparison with heavy dishes of meat cuisine are considered a well-known and recognized fact. That is why marine dishes can always be found in dietary nutrition.

Marine cuisine delicacies are commonly consumed in combination with good wine. But this does not mean at all that you need to wash down seafood in liters. Only a glass of good wine is enough to get real pleasure from eating seafood.

Moreover, the color of the wine depends directly on the color of seafood. If you are not a wine lover, then you can safely drink beer with prawns or crayfish. Oysters are commonly consumed with champagne or with white light wine. The main task is not to interrupt the original taste of fish and seafood with alcohol.